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stuff for ICT and Computing
Art in the style of Julian Opie with Flash

Art in the style of Julian Opie with Flash

Simple tutorial but highly effective and engaging for students of all ages. Using just 2 layers in Flash and a few tools you can create a piece of art work in the style of Julian Opie. You will be surprised at just how good your students will get with this one, we have some amazing work on the walls at school that Mr Opie himself would have been proud of....
Art in the style of Leslie de Rose using Photopea

Art in the style of Leslie de Rose using Photopea

Honestly absolute piece of cake to do this and you get some really fabulous work for your classroom walls. The image attached was created in about 2 minutes. Google Leslie’s artwork and you will see what it looks like and how your students can get so very close to recreating it so easily.
Coldwarsteve inspired artwork using Photopea

Coldwarsteve inspired artwork using Photopea

I think this has to be my favourite fun exercise to do with graphics and it will keep your students busy for a couple of hours at least, whilst you also get a whole world of fabulous artwork to put up on your classroom walls too. Oh and as it’s all done using www.photopea.com then no-one has the excuse for not doing the work as they have access to the site 24/7. Oh and even you old teaching hands may learn something new, after all did you know www.remove.bg was a thing? It is and it saves hours of magic wanding / tolerance / lassooing / erasing etc…